Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Starving Students Provides The Bastille Move You've Ever Had

Throughout France and several other countries, they're celebrating Bastille Day. I never took French history, but apparently Bastille Day is considered the first day of the French Revolution in 1789. On that day only 220 years ago, French citizBastsille_Fortressens armend themselves and stormed the Bastille Fortress where they fought against the government, which they felt was corrupt. In 1880, the day was declared a holiday and they've been celebrating it sort of like our Fourth of July ever since. Lance Armstrong, who's battling his way through the Tour De France by predicting a Bastille Day victory for Mark Cavendish, which is sort of strange since Mark Cavendish isn't Lance Armstrong and Lance is kind of predicting that he'll lose -- if that makes sense. Regardless, Starving Students predicts that Bastille Day would be a great day to take advantage of our Refer-A-Friend offer and make some money by suggesting Starving Students' moving service to someone. Get a $20 check just by referring a friend to us and tell them about our Cram Session discount while you're at it and celebrate the best Bastille Day ever with Starving Students.

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