Monday, September 21, 2009

Leighton, Blake and the Cowboys

Approximately 2% of the fun of watching the Emmy's last night came from watching Neil Patrick Harris. The other 98% came from checking out everyone's outfits and figuring out who would get the most buzz from wearing what and who would geBlake_Leightont slammed for dressing inappropriately at television's annual awards show. And from what I'm hearing, Blake Lively got the most buzz for her red dress she wore to the event while Leighton Meester also got some notice for her white outfit that had people talking, too. What had me buzzing was watching the New York Giants take on the Dallas Cowboys in the Cowboys' new stadium. That sucker looks nice. It's got windows and seats and everything. I have a friend who I talk to every once in a while that takes a flight from Los Angeles to Dallas at least eight times a year because he has season tickets. That's a pretty dedicated fan. And if he ever wants to take the logical step of actually moving down there, he can go ahead and send us an e-mail here This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it to get started on the best move he's ever had. He can even see about saving some money on his move by checking out our Cram Session to see if he can save $20 on his move. Or maybe he can actually give some of that money to Jerry Jones to see about moving that scoreboard up a few feet so no one else kicks a football into that sucker again.

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